1 1. The India Oil Industry in History印度石油工业的历史 1.The oil industry of India has traveled a long distance from the steamy jungles of Digboi to the deep-blue waters of the Bombay High.(从DIGBOI 油田潮湿的丛林到BOMBAYHIGH 油田深蓝的海水,印度的石油工业已经经历了一条漫长的历程)It has survived two World wars and withstood the economic,(它幸存于两次世界大战中)social and political upheavals of a particularly troubled century. (经历了一个经济、社会和政治大动荡的特殊世纪) It has,through the decades, striven for technical excellence,(然而,经历这几十年,它依然努力追求技术进步)established a firm infrastructure and charted for itself a pattern of growth consistent with national aspirations.(建立企业基层组织,为自身的发展构建具有民族特色的增长模式。) 2.The journey,however,is far from over.(但是,印度石油工业发展的道路还很漫长)The way is long,the wind is cold.(路漫漫,风凄凄)The triumphant milestones encountered so far :(印度石油工业所取得的几个可历数的胜利里程碑是)Nahorkatiya,Moran,Anklesvar, Cambay Bombay High to name a few:(NAHORKATIYA、MoRAN、ANKLESVAR 和CAMBAYHIGH 油田) have brought us closer to the goal of Self—reliance in oil,but in a reflex action to the increasing demand the goal itself is tantalizingly moving away.What is needed is the great leap forward,a dynamic Surge to close the gap and thus ward off a serious economic danger.它们正在把我们一步一步引向石油自给自足的目标,同时,印度石油需求上升反映出的动向,又使目标本身渐渐远去。我们所需要的是向前的一个大跳跃,充满动力的缩小差距,才能阻止严重的经济危险。 3.The nation can rest assured that the oil industry is fully,aware of its responsibility and is gearing up to meet the challenge.Given their superb track record,we can expect Oil and ONGC to bring to their operations the finest...