-1 Native Speakers 在讨论人物话题时会频繁使用的短语&句型 新章节哦~— — 本章重在提供口语词组 1、be self-reliant [W][S] 英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:live on one's own =feel that you can do things well and that people respect you for that 【中文含义】很自立的 【实战例句】He's determined and self-reliant. 他坚定不移,自强自立。 2、be self-sufficient[W] =be able to provide everything that you need by yourself 【中文含义】自给自足的 【实战例句】The increased productivity from farmland made some countries self-sufficient in grain. 农业用地生产率的上升让一些国家在谷物方面可以自给自足了。(Cambridge IELTS 8 例句) 3、be a self-made man / woman [S] =be a person who has become successful without help from other people 【中文含义】依靠自身的努力成功的人,白手起家的人 【实战例句】The young entrepreneur is a self-made man. 这位年轻的企业家是个白手起家的人。 4、show initiative [S] 英语为第二语言的学习者倾向于使用的表达:show the ability to do sth. on one's own =show the ability to use one's own judgment to do things 【中文含义】(在工作时)显示出主动性 【实战例句】When Joseph began the job, he showed initiative. 约瑟夫在工作时展现了工作的主动性。 5、do sth. of one's own accord [S][W] =do sth. without being asked or forced to do it 【中文含义】主动去做某事 【实战例句】James apologised of his own accord. 詹姆斯主动去道歉了。 6、be tenacious[S] =be very determined and not willing to stop when he / she is trying to achieve something 【中文含义】坚韧不拔的 【实战例句】Niamh is a tenacious athlete. 尼亚姆是一名坚韧不拔的运动员。 7、perseverance [S][W] =a determined attitude 【中文含义】n. 坚定的意志 【实战例句】Maria's excellent marks are a result of her perseverance. 玛利亚所取得的优秀分数是对她所付出的艰辛努力的最大回报。 8、willpower [S][W] =the ability to control someone's ...