目录 Day1 Food and Drink Day2 Jobs and Time Day3 Body and Health Day4 Family and Friends Day5 Communication,Culture and Entertainment Day6 Shopping and Money Day7 House and Colours Day8 Measurement and Document Day9 Clothes and Accessories Day10 Buildings and Places Day11 Sports and Leisure Day12 Studies Day13 Travel and Transport Day14 Natural World and Weather 1 Day1 Food and Drink 1. barbecue [ˈbɑ:bɪkju:] (n./v.) 烤肉 ; 烤 2. chips [tʃɪps] (n.) 薯片 3. biscuit [ˈbɪskɪt] (n.) 饼干 4. bottle [ˈbɒtl] (n.) 瓶子 5. chocolate [ˈtʃɒklət] (n.) 巧克力 6. coffee [ˈkɒfi] (n.) 咖啡 7. cook [kʊk] (n.) 厨师 8. cooker[ˈkʊkə(r)] (n.) 炊具 9. cream [kri:m] (n.) 奶油 10. dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] (n.) 晚餐 11. ice cream [aɪs kri:m] (n.) 冰淇淋 12. jam [dʒæm] (n.) 果酱 13. juice [dʒu:s] (n.) 果汁 14. kitchen [ˈkɪtʃɪn] (n.) 厨房 15. knife [naɪf] (n.) 刀 16. lemon[ˈlemən] (n.) 柠檬 17. pizza [ˈpi:tsə] (n.) 比萨饼 18. plate [pleɪt] (n.) 碟;盘 19. potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ] (n.) 土豆 20. salad [ˈsæləd] (n.) 沙拉;凉菜 21. salt [sɔ:lt] (n.) 盐 22. bowl [bəʊl] (n.) 碗 23. breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] (n.) 早餐 24. burger [ˈbɜ:gə(r)] (n.) 汉堡包 25. butter [ˈbʌtə(r)] (n.) 黄油 26. carrot [ˈkærət] (n.) 胡萝卜 27.cheese [tʃi:z] (n.) 乳酪;奶酪 28. chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn] (n.) 鸡肉 29. dish [dɪʃ] (n.) 盘子;菜 30. drink [drɪŋk] (n.) 饮料 31. fork [fɔ:k] (n.) 叉子 32. fridge [frɪdʒ] (n.) 电冰箱 33. fruit [fru:t] (n.) 水果 34. grape [greɪp] (n.) 葡萄 35. steak[steɪk] (n.) 牛排 36. sugar [ˈʃʊgə(r)] (n.) 糖 37. tomato [təˈmɑ:təʊ] (n.) 西红柿 38. vegetable [ˈvedʒtəbl] (n.) 蔬菜 39.waiter [ˈweɪtə(r)] (n.) 服务员 40. waitress [ˈweɪtrəs] (n.) 女服务员 41. onion [ˈʌnjən] ...