Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision (准确度和精度) Can you make a measurement that’s very precise, but not very accurate?(你能进行一项精度非常高,却不怎么准确的测量吗) Can a number be accurate, but not very precise?(一个量可以正确却不怎么精确吗) Let’s find out the difference between these two terms; you’ll see that precision and accuracy are really two different things.(让我们来找出这两个术语的不同;你将会看到精度和准确度确实是两个不同的概念) A measurement can be precise but inaccurate, as well as accurate but imprecise.(一个测量量可以是精确的但不准确,也可以是准确的但不精确。) For example, if a measurement was made with much care using a highly refined instrument, repeated readings of the same quantity would agree closely and thus precision would exist.(例如,如果一个测量量由仔细的利用高精密的【highly refined】仪器,对一个数重复读数得来,它们将非常一致,精度就存在了) But if the instrument contained one or more undetected, uncorrected systematic errors, the results would be inaccurate.(但是如果仪器含有一个或多个未被发现、未被修正的系统误差,结果将不会准确的) In contrast, it is possible that the mean of several repeated measurements of this same quantity, using a less refined (but calibrated) method, could be closer to the true value and thus this procedure would yield more accurate results even though there was less agreement among the readings.(相反【In contrast】,这个量的几个重复测量值,用的是低精密的(但经过校正的)方法,可以更接近真值,这样,这个过程将产生【yield】更准确的结果,即使【even though】这些读数中【among 在„„之中】的一致性很低) Perhaps the easiest way to illustrate the difference between accuracy and precision is to use the analogy of a marksman, to whom the “truth” represents the bull’s – eye.(或许最简单的举例说明【illustrate】准确度和精度之间...