IT East China New Plant Project EH&S MANAGEMENT PLAN DOW RESTRICTED - For internal use only An EH&S Program for an “Incident and Injury Free Project” Introdu ction Introduction This EHS Management Plan is specifically developed and will be implemented for use on IT East China New Plant Project. Corresponding sections in the Construction Management Plans should refer to this document to eliminate unnecessary duplication. This document incorporates input from the Project Teams and standard GPM documents. It will: Define roles, responsibilities and minimum EH&S requirements for the Dow project team, the project safety organization and most specifically the contractors and subcontractors who will be working on this project. Establish clear expectations for safety performance with all who will work in the field on this Project. Define the requirements for contractor safety including safety training, requirements for use of safety equipment, and the maintenance of records and submission of reports. Establish clear expectations for job site security on this Project. The language in this document is to be reflected in the contractor bid documents. Any conflicts between this document and the Dow standard bid document language should be resolved prior to issuing the bid packages. The following sections make up this document; Introduction Vision and Goals General Dow and Construction Contractor EH&S Requirements Industrial Hygiene Issues Waste Disposal Spill Prevention Material Storage and Handling EH&S Permits Required For Site Safety Recognition Program Reporting and Record Keeping EH&S Policies and Concerns Project Security IT East China New Plant Project EH&S M...