85030-511-57Technical data and operating instru ctionsVivaspin 6 and 20 mlFor in vitro use only2 |Vivaspin 6 and 20 ml – IntroductionStorage conditions|shelf lifeVivaspin ultrafiltration spin columns should be stored at room temperature. The devices should be used before the expiry date printed on the box.IntroductionVivaspin concentrators are disposable ultrafiltration devices for the concentrationand|or purification of biological samples.Vivaspin 6 is suitable for sample volumes of 2–6 ml and the Vivaspin 20 can handlesamples up to 20 ml. Both products featuretwin vertical membranes for unparalleledspeed. Vivaspin 20 purification alternatives includea diafiltration cup that allows one stepremoval of salts and other contaminatingmicromolecules, and a gas pressure mode for increased flexibility and even faster processing. The innovative design (US Patent No.5,647,990, second patent pending), ease of use, speed and exceptional concentraterecoveries are the main features of the concentrators.Centrifugal OperationVivaspin concentrators can be used in swing bucket or fixed angle rotors acceptingstandard conical bottom tubes. In a singlespin, solutions can be concentrated in excessof 100 +. Samples are typically concentratedin 10 to 30 minutes with macromolecularrecoveries in excess of 95%. The longitudinal membrane orientation andthin channel concentration chamber, provideoptimum cross flow conditions even for particle laden solutions; the centrifugal forcepulling particles and solids away from themembrane to the bottom of the device.Macromolecules collect in an impermeableconcentrate pocket integrally mouldedbelow the membrane surface, thereby eliminating the risk of filtration to dryness. Pressurised OperationWhen an appropriate centrifug...