对朗文常用词汇3000 进行了进一步的排序:1.分别单列出“口语”中最常使用的前1000,2000,3000 的单词,每部分进一步按书面语的词频排序。2.对于在口语词汇中未出现的,书面语中的前1000,2000,3000 的剩余单词,也随后列出。往往越基本的词汇词义越多,使用也更灵活,当然也最重要,让我们把最多的时间花在最重要的单词上。百度yuxiangdui 注:S = Spoken English W = Written English 1,2,3 分别表示词频前1000,2000,3000,S4 表示不在口语前3000 中, W4 表示不在书面语前3000 中排序方式:S1W1 S1W2 S1W3 S1W4 S2W1 S2W2 S2W3 S2W4 S3W1 S3W2 S3W3 S3W4 W1S4 W2S4 W3S4 【 S1W1】a indefinite article,determiner S1, W1 able adj S1, W1 about prep S1, W1 about adv S1, W1 accept v S1, W1 account n S1, W1 across adv, prep S1, W1 act n S1, W1 action n S1, W1 actually adv S1, W1 add v S1, W1 after prep, conj, adv S1, W1 again adv S1, W1 against prep S1, W1 age n S1, W1 ago adv S1, W1 agree v S1, W1 air n S1, W1 all determiner, predeterminer, pron S1, W1 all adv S1, W1 allow v S1, W1 almost adv S1, W1 along adv S1, W1 along prep S1, W1 already adv S1, W1 also adv S1, W1 although conj S1, W1 always adv S1, W1 amount n S1, W1 an indefinite article, determiner S1, W1 and conj S1, W1 animal n S1, W1 another determiner, pron S1, W1 answer n S1, W1 any determiner, pron S1, W1 anyone pron S1, W1 anything pron S1, W1 application n S1, W1 apply v S1, W1 area n S1, W1 argument n S1, W1 arm n S1, W1 army n S1, W1 around adv, prep S1, W1 art n S1, W1 as conj S1, W1 as prep, adv S1, W1 ask v S1, W1 at prep S1, W1 available adj S1, W1 aware adj S1, W1 away adv S1, W1 baby n S1, W1 back adv S1, W1 back n S1, W1 bad adj S1, W1 bank n S1, W1 bar n S1, W1 base v S1, W1 be auxiliary S1, W1 be v S1, W1 because conj S1, W1 because prep S1, W1 be...