P44-45 Words & phrases 1.厌烦 ,受够了 be fed up with (sb/sth) 2.厌倦了be tired of (sth/doing sth) 3.罚(小孩 )不准出门 ground 4. 数数 /计算count 5.成年 come of age 6.相当正常pretty normal 7.被允许做某事be allowed to do 8.成年人们grown-ups 9.成熟的 /成年人的grown-up 10.尝试做某事have a go at sth/doing 11.对...感到惊讶be surprised at sth 12.两个 /几个a couple of 13.投票 vote 14.纹身get a tattoo 15.结婚get married 16.开一个银行账户open a bank account 17.在七岁的时候at the age of seven 18.自由地做某事be free to do 19.开滑翔机fly a glider plane 20.到二十一岁turn 21 21.恰恰相反 It’s the other way round. 22.至少at least 23.最低年龄限制minimum age limit 24.超过午夜past midnight 25.学年school year 26.当地市政厅local town hall 27.打扮dress up 28.一种传统的日本服饰a traditional Japanese dress 29.和服kimono 30.多达up to 31.穿衣服get dressed 32.梳头do one’s hair 33.化妆do make-up 34.化妆make up 35.照相 v. photograph 36.长的演讲long speech 37.证书 certificate Sentences 1.你已经厌倦了总是告诉你要做什么的父母了吗?Are you fed up with your parents telling you what to do ? 2.你已经厌倦了他们罚你不准出门,因为你回家晚了吗?Are you tired of them grounding you because you got home late ? 3.你还在数着还有多少日子才能成年吗?Are you counting the days until you come of age ? 4.在一些国家你可以比在另一些国家更早的被允许做一些成人的事情。In some countries you are allowed to do some grown-up things earlier than in other countries ? 5.在美国密西西比州,你在30 岁之前未经父母允许不能结婚。In Mississippi, USA, you aren ’t allowed to get married without your parents ’permission until you ’re 30. 6.直到 21 岁,你才被允许开滑翔机。You aren’t allowed to fly a glider plane until you turn 21. 7.伴随着一个叫做成年礼的特殊仪式,这个事件在日本大多数地区被庆祝。This event is celebrated in mo...