国际工程招标说明书格式——中英文 一、中华人民共和国从世界银行申请获得贷款,用于支付_____项目的费用。<}100{>1. The People's Republic of China has-applied for a loan and credit from the World Bank towards the cost of ________________ Project.部分贷款将用于支付工程建筑、____等各种合同。<}100{>It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be applied to eligible payment under various contracts for ____________ , __________, __________. 所有依世界银行指导原则具有资格的国家,都可参加招标。<}100{>Tendering is open to all tenderers from eligible source countries as defined under the "Guidelines for procurement" of the World Bank. 二、中国__公司(以下简称A公司)邀请具有资格的投标者提供密封的标书,提供完成合同工程所需的劳力、材料、设备和服务。<}100{>2. ___________ Company now invites sealed tenders from pre-qualified tenderers for provision of the necessary labour, materials, equipment and services for the construction and completion of the project. 三、具有资格的投标者可从以下地址获得更多的信息,或参看招标文件:<}100{>3. Pre-qualified tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect the tender documents at the office of: ________. 四、每一位具有资格的投标者在交纳_____美元(或人民币),并提交书面申请后,均可从上述地址获得招标文件。 <}90{>4. A complete set of tender documents may be obtained by any pre-qualified tenderer for the cost of RMB _________ or US $ ___________ on the submission of a written application to the above. 五、每一份标书都要附一份投标保证书,且应不迟于_____(时间)提交给A公司。<}100{> 5. All tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security in an acceptable form and must be delivered to ________ Company at the above-mentioned address (refer to Item 3) on or before ___________. 六、所有标书将在_____(时间)当着投标...