摘 要摘要 随着经济全球化的不断发展,国际经济交流日益频繁,国际商品和资本流动规模不断扩大。外商直接投资作为一种跨国资本流动,一直在不断发展,在世界经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。各地政府也采取了各种措施吸引外国直接投资,促进本地区经济发展。本文首先阐述了文章研究背景和意义,并界定了与本文相关的研究概念。然后,对国内外学者关于外商直接投资的研究成果和直接投资理论进行梳理与概述。然后,分析了地理区位因素和商业文化因素对汕尾市吸收外国直接投资的影响及存在的问题。并在最后根据存在问题提出在地理区位和商业文化上的发展建议。关键词 地理区位 商业文化 外商直接投资摘 要ABSTRACT With the continuous development of economic globalization, international economic exchanges are increasingly frequent, and the scale of international commodity and capital flows continues to expand. As a kind of transnational capital flow, foreign direct investment (FDI) has been developing and playing a more and more important role in the development of the world economy. Local governments have also taken various measures to attract foreign direct investment and promote regional economic development. This paper first describes the background and significance of this paper, and defines the research concepts related to this paper. Then, the domestic and foreign scholars about foreign direct investment research achievements and direct investment theory are combed and summarized. Then, the geographical location factors and quotient are analyzed. The influence of industry culture factors on the absorption of foreign direct investment in Shanwei city and the existing problems. Finally, according to the existing problems, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the development of geographical location and commercial culture.KEYWORDS Geographical location, commercial culture, foreign direct investment目 录目 录前言.......................