My name’s Gina.My name’s Gina.Unit 1 Review A: Hello! My name’s / I’m … What’ your name? B: My name’s / I’m … A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too. A: Hi, your name?B: My Gina. you Tom?A: ,I’m not. Bob.B: Hi, . to meet you.A: Nice to you, too.Practice one two three four five six seven eight nine0 zeroEnglish numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number Chant:Three, two, one, one, Let’s go! Let’s go.One, two, three, four, Please go and close the door.Five, six, seven, eight, Hurry up! Don’t be late.Nine, ten, nine, ten, Get a ruler and a pen. 11912012211096119 --What’s your phone number?--It’s ...62350889 -What’s your QQ number?-It’s 49764702. 1b Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number. 1. Tom _____ a. 929-31___ ___2. Linda _____ b.398-61___ ___ 3. Bob ______ c. 278-79___ ___4. Mary _____ d. 555-80___ ___cdba1d. Listen and match the names with telephone number. 1. Tom _____ a. 929-31___ ___2. Linda _____ b.398-61___ ___ 3. Bob ______ c. 278-79___ ___4. Mary _____ d. 555-80___ ___cdba6 04 92 8421e. Listen again. Complete the phone numbers. nineninethreethreefourfourfivefivesevenseventwotwozerozerooneoneeighteight 6 97435602831452132194 786635108455769743560283145213219478663510845573532136 3532136My telephone number is…What’s your telephone number?