智能小区安防系统摘要:最近这些年,所有事物都已经变的越来越智能化了,安防系统也从以前的小行业变成了可以被广大人民所关注的行业了。国内也在飞速的发展着,在家能够得到安全保障是人们现在最重视的一个问题,智能的安防系统可以让人们的生活变得更加安乐,也是创建一个和睦社会的重点。特别是那种小区比较布设的比较散乱的,距离比较远的或者环境比较杂乱的,在安全这一块,都不是很好。以前小区门卫和保安的那些管理的手法都已经跟不上现在时代的变化了,所以,为了让居民能够更加安全的生活,就需要有更加智能化的管理方式,这样就可以让小区门卫更加清楚、及时的知道小区里面所发生的事情了,还可以立即的对所发生的事情做出合理的解决方案,快速的解决掉问题。这篇文章主要就是想要设计一个 24 小时都在工作的安防系统,主要包含以下几种系统:闭路电视监控系统、门禁管理系统、防盗报警系统、对讲系统和巡更系统。通过这些安防系统可以对小区的出入口和栅栏边上做出实时监控,真正的实现社会治安安全和拒绝破坏安全的生活,能够通过摄像传入小区的监控中心,第一时间知道小区里面所发生的的事情,让小区门卫和巡逻保安第一时间赶到现场解决掉所发生的的事情,从而建立一个非常安全、和谐安乐的住宅环境。关键词:智能化;小区;安防系统Intelligent residential security systemAbstract: in recent years, everything has become more and more intelligent, and security systems have changed from small industries to industries that can be paid attention to by the people. At home, it is one of the most important problems that people pay attention to at home. Intelligent security system can make people's life more comfortable, and it is also the focus of building a harmonious society. In particular, it is not very good that the community is relatively scattered, far away or the environment is more messy, in the area of security, it is not very good. The management methods used to be used by the doormen and security guards in the neighborhood are no longer able to keep up with the way they are now. The times have changed, so in...