摘 要随着农村剩余劳动力向城市转移缓慢,农村流动人口子女数量不断上升,留守儿童在这一特殊群体中已经成为社会转型的主要社会背景,需要受到越来越多的关注。本文以周至县楼观镇为例,从社会学视角出发,分析该校留守儿童的成长特点并进行实践和总结,加强周至县留守儿童寄宿学校的建设,提高我们国家的政府和社会群众的关注度,为我们国家的留守儿童问题的研究和不断地探索提供一个较为成功的案例。在这组留守儿童的生存问题,随着中国农村社会的稳定发展,有很大的关系,以促进的过程中,我国的新农村建设,首先要做的是要处理好留守儿童的生存问题。本文以周至县楼观镇九年制学校为主要研究对象,主要内容包含以下三大部分:第一,通过考察,访谈等方式对周至县楼观镇进行实地调研;第二,结合周至县楼观镇实际情况,从亲情、学校、监护人方面分析留守儿童生存困难的原因;第三,结合相关资料和楼观台的实际情况,提出了解决周至县城镇留守儿童生活问题的对策。关键词 :留守儿童;周至村;家庭;学校AbstractGradually along with the rural surplus labor force to cities, the number of children of the floating population increasing, this special group left-behind children become a problem that needs to be more and more attention during the period of social transformation.Based on the concept of zhouzhi county building town as an example, from a sociological perspective, analysis of the characteristics of left-behind children's growth and carries on the practice and summary, to strengthen the construction of zhouzhi county of left-behind children to boarding school, improve the attention of government and society, research and exploration for the issue of left-behind children in China provide a successful case.Left-behind children survival is closely related to the stable development of China's rural society, to promote the process of our new rural construction, must be properly handle good survival of left-behind children first.Based on the concept of zhouzhi county building in the town of...