摘 要中小企业在我国经济发展过程中做出了巨大的贡献,例如吸纳就业人口,降低失业率,增加人民平均收入等。而中小企业的发展并非一帆风顺,在曲折中发展,例如中小企业的核心竞争力较弱,市场规模小,融资渠道狭窄,不利于投资与扩大规模发展。故,分析中小企业融资过程中的难点及解决对策具有深远的理论意义和实际意义。融资难的成因包括国家体制,银行、金融业等经济支持以及中小企业自身的完善和革新。解决对策也应是政府政策扶持和信贷机构完善规范与中小企业提高自身核心竞争力共同合作发展,最终促进市场经济的和谐与稳定。关键词:中小企业、融资、银行AbstractSmall and medium-sized enterprises in China is an important part of the economy, is a new growth point of national economy. The SME financing channel is narrow, financing is not an ideal result. Therefore, analysis of the causes of the financing of SME, has important theoretical significance and practical significance. The causes of financing difficulties including the state system, banks and small and medium-sized enterprises. Countermeasures should be government policy support and improve the standard credit institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their core competitiveness of joint development, and ultimately promote the harmony and stability of the market economy.Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises, financing, bank目 录TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566055" 摘 要 IHYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566056" Abstract IIHYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566057" 目 录 IIIHYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566058" 一、绪论 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566059" (一)研究背景和意义 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566060" 1.研究背景 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566061" 2.研究意义 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566062" (二)研究综述 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566063" (三)研究方法 1HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566064" (四)相关概念界定 2HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566065" 1.融资 2HYPERLINK \l "_Toc481566066" 2.中小企业 2HYPERLINK \...