摘 要当今时代是信息科技高速发展的时代,科学技术的变革使得中小企业得到快速发展,传统的会计核算模式已经无法适应高速发展的社会需求,会计电算化时代的发展,成为会计核算的新模式,在企业会计核算中广泛应用,转变了传统的会计核算方式。会计在企业中发挥重要的作用,云计算技术的不断突破,改变了传统的会计核算模式,促进了会计信息建设的不断完善。在云计算背景下,国内的中小企业信息化建设才刚刚开始,会计信息化对于中小企业来说既是机遇也是挑战,能够促进自身会计水平的进一步提高。在云计算的快速发展下,信息技术领域的发展与应用也成为社会关注的焦点,针对我国的中小企业来讲具有重要的意义。因此,在云计算的深入发展下,企业信息化也得到了进一步的发展,进而带动了中小企业的发展,促进中小企业健康发展。关键词:中小企业,云计算,会计信息化Research on the Exploration Process of Accounting Information of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under Cloud ComputingAbsrtact Era is the era of information technology high speed development, the change of science and technology makes the small and medium-sized enterprises get rapid development, the traditional accounting mode has been unable to adapt to the development of social demand, the development of accounting computerization era, become a new mode of accounting, and is widely used in the enterprise accounting system, changed the traditional way of accounting.Accounting plays an important role in enterprises. The continuous breakthrough of cloud computing technology has changed the traditional accounting model and promoted the continuous improvement of accounting information construction.In the context of cloud computing, domesticThe informatization construction of smes has just started. Accounting informatization is both an opportunity and a challenge for smes, which can promote the further improvement of their accounting level.With the rapid development of cloud computing, the development and applicati...