摘 要随着我国新时期“全民创业、万众创新”的工作开展,全国进入了一片创业热潮当中。传统的创业话题,多集中在行业精英或大资本投融资的范畴之中,研究内容也多是大型企业的管理知识。然而在中小企业创立初期如何走快速发展且健康有效的道路,是我们当前必须要解决的问题。本文宗旨在于通过全面学习中小企业的概念及相关理论,研究适合中小企业初创期的状况,根据西安市中小企业在初创期运行存在的问题,提出优化中小企业发展的促进措施。中小企业的发展在一定程度上需要政府部门的保护和扶持工作,政府需要尽可能的消除在创立初期市场中中小企业发展的不利因素,已达到开拓中小企业发展有更广阔平台的目的。研究制定政府部门对中小企业创立初期的政策支持,对宏观经济发展大有益处。同时,推动西安市中小企业从创立初期不断走向成熟,制定相应的对策研究,对于提高中小企业的发展效率具有重要的现实意义。关键词:西安市;中小企业;初创期;发展战略;对策AbstractWith the new era of "national entrepreneurship, innovation" work carried out, the country entered a business boom which. Traditional entrepreneurial topics, mostly concentrated in the industry elite or large capital investment and financing of the category, the research content is also a large enterprise management knowledge. Modern society, small and medium enterprises in China's national economic development process, is very important, has become an indispensable part of China's national economy. However, in the early days of the establishment of small and medium enterprises how to take the rapid development and healthy and effective way, we must now solve the problem.The purpose of this paper is to study the conditions suitable for the start-up period of small and medium-sized enterprises by studying the concept of small and medium-sized enterprises and the related theories, and put forward the measures to optimize the development of small and medium-sized enterprises according to the problems existing in the operatio...