

How was your school trip? Section A Period 1 新郑市市直中学 张志敏 Welcome to our class! 预习加油站 (自学 P47 释疑下列短语)  1. 学校旅行  2.go to the aquarium  3. 拍照  4. hang out with friends  5. 买些纪念品  6.see some seals  7. 礼品店 通过以上预习你发现了哪些生词?请找出来大声朗读并认真拼写出school triptake photosbuy some souvenirsgift shop 去水族馆和朋友闲逛看到一些海豹 New Wordsgift hang outshark souveniraquarium octopusseal礼物;赠品闲逛鲨鱼纪念品水族馆章鱼海豹 aquarium(n. 水族馆 )what animals are there in the ? shark sealsea-horse octopus dolphin Were there any sharks in the aquarium? 单词小测1.-How was your school t ? –Very exciting.2.Do you often h out with your friends on weekends?3. (be) there a sports meeting yesterday ? No, there . 4.Tina (buy) a new bike last week.5.They (see) some seals and sharks at the aquarium yesterday.6.I often get many g on my birthday every year.ripangWaswasn’tboughtsawifts What did I do last weekend?Did you…? 水族馆 aquariumIt was really fantastic! What did I see at the aquarium?sealsaw some sealsseesharksaw some sharks took photostakeate ice creameathad a hamburgerhave hung out with my friendshang bought a souvenirbuy 练练吧: Pairwork( 根据以下提示请以对话的形式小组讨论问题 ) Did you have a trip before ? Where did you go?  When did you go there?  How did you go?  Who did you go with? What did you do there? Did you buy anything there?  Were there any interesting things?  How was your trip? 能力提升 练练对话吧 ( Tina 刚结束学校旅行,以下是她和朋友之间的对话)。 A: Hi, Tina, ? B: I t was really exciting. A: ? B: We went to an aquarium. A: ? B: Yes, I did. Look , here are my photos. A: ? B: No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals. A: ? B: Of course. I bought some in the gift shop. A: Sounds really exciting.How was your school tripWhere did you goDid you take any photosWas there any sharksDid you buy any souvenirs? 能力拓展 请根据以下提示并结合本环节所学知识练练你的写作吧。上个星期六学生们去水族馆进行了一次学校旅行 ,请参考所给词语 , 描述此次活动。 go to the aquarium, by bus, see, sharks, seals,take some photos, buy, souvenirs, tired,happy Last Saturday we went to the aquarium for a school trip, _________________________________________________________ Bye-bye!

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