雅思写作必背 300 句第一章 教育话题 The uneducated person, on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or does it badly.相反地,一个未受过教育的人不是无法做好新事情,就是做得很糟。 Through systematic study in school, children can learn how to study, how to create and how to be a human being.通过在学校的系统学习,孩子们都能学会如何学习、如何创造以及如何做人。 It is common for university students to share their dormitory rooms with another student, and at some universities this is required.对于大学生来说,和另一个学生同住宿舍是很常见的事,而且在有些学校是明文规定的。 First, it is usually located on the campus and so it is very convenient for students to get to their classes, the library, and other university facilities.首先,宿舍通常都在校园内,因此对学生来说,不论要去上课,去图书馆,还是要去使用校内其他设施都很方便。 This would allow me to make friends and get accustomed to school life without the distraction of having to worry about my daily needs.这会让我有交友的机会,并且熟悉校园生活,不用因为一些日常所需而分心。 One reason that higher education should not be limited to good students is that not all secondary students study in equal circumstances.高等教育不应该只限于给予好学生。原因之一是,并非所有的中学生都在平等的环境中学习。 Finally, a better educated population contributes to the growth and prosperity of a society as a whole.最后,就整体而言,人们的教育程度越高越会促进社会的发展与繁荣。 Furthermore, by denying higher education to who do not make their marks in their secondary education, the country may be ignoring a future Einstein.此外,国家如果不让高中成绩未达标准的学生受高等教育,可能会因此埋没了一个未来的爱因斯坦。 However, with their busy schedules, many students may not have the opportunity to exercise at home and so may become...