- 1 - 康复治疗学专业实习手册 姓 名 学 号 年 级 /班 级 实 习单位 中山大学医学教务处 - 2 - 医学生誓言 健 康 所 系 , 性 命 相 托 。 当我步入神圣医学学府的时刻, 谨庄严宣誓: 我志愿献身医学, 热爱祖国, 忠于人民, 恪守医德,尊师守纪, 刻苦钻研, 孜孜不倦, 精益求精, 全面发展。 我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛, 助健 康 之完美, 维护医术的圣洁和荣誉。救死扶伤, 不辞艰辛, 执著追求,为祖国医药卫生事业的发展和人类身心健 康 奋斗终生。 大 一 寸 照 片 - 3 - Oath of the phy sical therapist: I pledge to hold faithful to my responsibility as a physical therapist; To use the highest science and skills of my profession at all times; To exercise judgment to the highest degree of which I am capable when determining treatment to be offered; To refrain from treatment when it will not benefit the patient; To always place the welfare of my patients above my own self-interest. I pledge to uphold and preserve the rights and esteem of every person placed in my care; To hold all confidences in trust; To exercise all aspects of my calling with dignity and honor. I commit myself to the highest ideal of service, learning and pursuit of knowledge. These things I do swear. - 4 - 目 录 1. 封面....................................................................................................................... 1 2. 医学生誓言........................................................................................................... 2 3. Oath of the phy sical therapist ............................................................................... 3 4. 目录....................................................................................................................... 4 5. 中山大学康复治疗学专业第四学年度时间安排............................................... 5 6. 实习的目的与要求............