He who learns but does not think is lost ;he who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.-----ConfuciusThe roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.----Aristotle学而不思则惘,思而不学则怠.--孔子教育的根虽苦,果却很甜.--亚里斯多德 Unit 12 Education For All Have you ever seen this picture before?A public advertisement to encourage people to help poor children Look around our school and decide what are needed to run a school.SchoolPlans BuildingsSubjectsEquipmentComputersPeopleTeachersStudentsTVs Skimming Choose the best heading for each paragraph in the text___ Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve.___ Solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas___ Compulsory education for all Chinese children___ Problems of number and location___ Encouraging people in rural areas to accept education___ Meeting the cost___ Education for all– the international targetG F A D C E BMain idea Main idea The passage makes it clear that “ __________________” is essential for the development of a country. The paragraphs mostly deal with _______that should be taken to achieve the target. The passage makes it clear that “ __________________” is essential for the development of a country. The paragraphs mostly deal with _______that should be taken to achieve the target.Education for allmeasuresCareful ReadingRead the text carefully and do the following exercises.1. Why did the Chinese government introduce a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education?2. Do all girls and boys in China share the same opportunity to accept education? Why (not)?3. What’s your understanding of the title “Education for all”?4. The success of...