The Fifth PeriodThe Fifth PeriodListeningListeningIf you are a reporter, who is the first one that you If you are a reporter, who is the first one that you want to interview? Why?want to interview? Why?Jay ZhouYang Liwei Li Jiacheng Yao MingIf you have a chance tIf you have a chance to interview Yao Ming, o interview Yao Ming, what question will you what question will you ask him?ask him?A. This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Yao Ming. Choose the correct summaryB. This is about a young man who is trying to arrange an interview with Yao Ming.C. This is about a young man who wants to ask Yao Ming about how to work abroad.1.Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Yao Mi1.Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Yao Ming?ng?2.What are his fans worried about?2.What are his fans worried about?3.When is Yao Ming going to talk to Zhou Yang?3.When is Yao Ming going to talk to Zhou Yang?4.What is Yao Ming’s intention at the moment?4.What is Yao Ming’s intention at the moment? Answer the questionsHe wants to interview him about his decision to go He wants to interview him about his decision to go abroad and work.abroad and work.His fans are worried that they will not see him in His fans are worried that they will not see him in the flesh.the flesh.Yao Ming will talk to Zhou Yang on Wednesday aYao Ming will talk to Zhou Yang on Wednesday at 12 o’clock.t 12 o’clock.Yao Ming’s intention is to learn more about tennis aYao Ming’s intention is to learn more about tennis and return to China.nd return to China. As a reporter, who do you want to interview? Make an As a reporter, who do you want to interview? Make an appointment with him or her.appointment with him...