Unit 3 A healthy life What do you think about a truly healthy person ? ﹖healthphysical health( body )mental health( mind ) What health issues do you think concern young people the most ?Cigarette smokingDrinking alcoholDrug takingDietStressAny other issues?Discussion in Groups.Physical fitnessSexual healthAIDS and infectionsfood and nutritionanxietyfamily issue environmental healthair pollutioncancerGive a title of each picture:SingingDoing taichiDrinking alcoholPlaying basketballEating too muchSmoking, coughing2. Why do you think adolescents start smoking?1. Have you ever smoked ?Discussing and Speaking. Discuss the questions in pre-reading in group and Make a dialogue on Smoking.Do you/Does your father (mother, sister,...) smoke?Do you smoke much?/Are you smoking a lot?I guess you don’t smoke, right?How many a day?I prefer cigars.It is believed that smoking can lead to heart disease, lung cancer and other illnesses. Smoking does great harm to the health.Smoking is a waste of money.Smoking pollutes the air and makes the streets dirty.I advise you to give up smoking. It is harmful to your health. Writing: 参考下列要点,论述抽烟是一种坏习惯。1 )抽烟有碍健康。2 )抽烟者的不慎会引起火灾,造成生命和财产的损失。3 )香烟很贵,吸烟者为此花费甚多。4 )青年人在长身体,又没有收入,抽烟更加有害。 ﹖In what ways is smoking harmful ?★ heart disease → smoking is responsible for 30﹪ of heart attacks.◆ cancer → smoking is responsible for at least 30﹪ of all cancer deaths, and 87﹪ of lung cancer deaths each year.What advice would you give to someone who wants to stop smoking?1. Always carry a batch of gum while you travel because “ the urge could come at any time”.2. Exercise is a great way to manage stress3. Keep busy4. Stop drinking alcohol ( smokers drink twice as much alcohol as non-smokers )5. Keep getting support from family,friends, co-workers, or join a quit-smoking group.Extensive reading 1. How many parts can we divide the passage into? What’s the main idea of each part? 2. What kind of person do you think the grandfather is?3. Do you think the information and advice which Jame’s grandfather sent is useful?Intensive readingInformation from the reading passage Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes Harmful physical effects for smokers1 physically addicted to nicotine2 addicted through habits3 mentally addicted1 do terrible damage to heat and lungs 2 have difficulty in becoming pregnant 3 can not run fastEffects that a person’s smoking can have on other peopleEffects that a person’s smoking can have on sporting performance1 other people dislike the smell2 the cigarette smoke may do harm to other people near the smokerBe unable to enjoy sportConclusion Make a summary of the advice on how to stop smoking. Be sure to use your own words and no more than five sentences