Unit 2 The United Kingdom If we want to describe a country ,what do we need to write about ?location /size / population / people / language / weather / flower/ resource /history / culture Possible answers:Geography:Literature:Sports:population:population: About 6o millionAbout 6o millionclimate:climate: mildmildarea:area: About 240,000 sq kmAbout 240,000 sq kmLocation: Western Europe Language: Ethnic groups:English, Welsh, Scottish English 81.5%, Scottish 9.6%, Irish 2.4%, Welsh 1.9%, Ulster 1.8%, West Indian, Indian, Pakistanis, and other 2.8%Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland…Shakespeare, Shelly, Charles Dickens…Manchester United, Beckham, Owen… Task 1According to the text, join lines to the right answer.Para. 1. Explains the joining of England and Wales.Para. 2. States topic to be examined in the reading.Para. 3. Explains the importance of London as a cultural and political centre in the UK.Para. 4. Explains what the term “Great Britain” means and how it came about.Para. 5. Explains differences in the four countries. Para. 6. Explains how England is divided into three zones. Task 2 Answer the following questions: 1.When did Wales link to England?2.What happened in 1603?3.What are the names of the flags of England, Scotland, Ireland and the UK? In the 13th century ADGreat Britain was the name given when England and Wales were joined to Scotland.See under the Flag. Look at Flag of United Kingdom Flag of United Kingdom Cross of St George 聖喬治旗 (England)Cross of St Andrew 聖安德魯旗(Scotland)第一面米字旗Why do you know the flag called the Union Jack? Cross of St. Patrick's (Ireland)現在的米字旗「 Union Jack 」 or 「 Union Flag 」 Task 31 Finish Comprehending 1 and 2Answer the questions 1. The U...