
unit9 Saving the earth reading 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

unit9 Saving the earth reading 人教版 课件unit9 Saving the earth reading 人教版 课件unit9 Saving the earth reading 人教版 课件unit9 Saving the earth reading 人教版 课件unit9 Saving the earth reading 人教版 课件
Unit9 Saving the earth Heal the worldMake it a better placeFor you and for meAnd the entire human raceThere are people dying If you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for me...There are people dyingIf you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for me...You and for me ... Our earth is injured and she is being sent to hospital . earthairwatermost serious problems so many sheep and cattleall the grass eaten No grass growing; desert spreading The area of desert in the world growing steadily. trees being cut downno treestyphoonsand slide Air pollution Fish killed Drinking water being contaminated defend harmony affect attend advise wipe out be content with put an end to 1.We should _____________war.2.Smoking ______ health.3.The doctor________me not to smoke any more.4.The village ___________ in the war.5.The soldiers ________ their motherland against enemies.6.People used to live in_________ with nature.7.The old couple seem ________ the simple life in the countryside.8.Why didn’t he ______ the meeting?put an end toaffectsadvisedwas wiped outdefendedharmonycontent with attend Listen to the tape and tick the following mentioned in the text.The United Nations.The Earth SummitEarth DayJohannesburg in South Africa in 2002Sustainable developmentThe “big three”WHOPremier Wen JiabaoEducation√√√√√√√ StructurePart 1 (1) IntroductionPart 2 (2-5) Body 2 3 4-5Part 3 (6) Conclusionthe “big three”other problems the result of the conferenceThe Earth Summit is also a place to find solutions for the future.Introduction to the earth summit Careful readingThe Johannesburg Earth SummitTimeThemeTopics ParticipantsChinese representativeFunction and resultagreementAug 26-Sep 4,2002Sustainable d...

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