1. Choose the suitable words or expressions to complete this passage: valuable, instruct, cure, expose, look into, examine, put forward, immediately, announce Li Heping was a famous football player, but his career came to an end when he became very ill. The doctor _________ him but could not find the cause of this illness. He ___________ the theory that Li Heping had been _______ to a new virus. He knew he would not be able to ____ him___________,examinedput forwardexposedcureimmediately but promised he would ________the possibility of finding one in the future. Sadly, Li Heping __________ that he would take up a new career to _______ footballers in planning for the future. instructlook intoannounced At his last match he thanked his fans for their _______ support by singing the popular song: “Thanks for the memory”.valuable Learning about language:Discovering useful words and expressionsEx1: come to an end: conclude• put forward the theory that…• be exposed to a new virus• look into.• in the future• take up• concluded by… •attend (take care of ) sb. to ease the birth of one’s babies•exposed to cholera•the most deadly disease•help (to) solve the problem•not / never … until•get interested in•without reason•believe in the second theory•(be) determined to do•valuable clue •be to blame• look into the source of the water•remove the handle from the water pump•slow down•In addition•be linked to•died of cholera•with certainty•prevent / keep / stop sb. / sth. from doing sth.•dealing with•instructed not to do… 2. Sometimes in English we put the verb make with a noun instead of using a simple verb; for example, make a mistake instead of to mistake. Look at these simple verbs...