
unit7 Warming up and listening 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

unit7 Warming up and listening 人教版 课件unit7 Warming up and listening 人教版 课件unit7 Warming up and listening 人教版 课件unit7 Warming up and listening 人教版 课件unit7 Warming up and listening 人教版 课件
Unit 7 Eiffel TowerStatue of Liberty Colosseum 罗马竞技场Leaning Tower of Pisa The Pyramids in Egypt The Great WallStonehenge The megalithic ruin known as Stonehenge stands on the open downland of Salisbury Plain two miles (three kilometres) west of the town of Amesbury, Wiltshire, in Southern England. It is not a single structure but consists of a series of earth, timber, and stone structures that were revised and re-modelled over a period of more than 1400 years•Stonehenge is surely Britain‘s greatest national icon, symbolizing mystery, power . Its original purpose is unclear to us, but some have speculated that it was a temple made for the worship of ancient earth deities (神) . It has been called an astronomical (天文学的) observatory for marking significant events on the prehistoric calendar (历法) . •While we can‘t say with any degree of certainty what it was for, we can say that it wasn’t constructed for any casual (偶然的) purpose. Only something very important to the ancients would have been worth the effort and investment that it took to construct Stonehenge. A: We are standing in front of the main building of this old palace . The palace is called the Winter Palace . On the left , there is a statue of a horse . On the right , there is a large stone elephant . The main building is in the center . B: Why is this site so important ? A: This site is important because it tells us about how people lived in the past .B: What steps have you taken to protect the site ? A: Visitors aren’t allowed to go inside the house .Instead , they can walk around the building and looked the park behind it . There is a small museum , where visitors can look at picture...

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