
Unit5 Nelson Mandela WR 新课标 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

Unit5 Nelson Mandela WR 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 Nelson Mandela WR 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 Nelson Mandela WR 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 Nelson Mandela WR 新课标 人教版 课件Unit5 Nelson Mandela WR 新课标 人教版 课件
Norman Bethune1. He died during World War II. 2. He saved a lot of soldiers on the battle field. 3. He worked in China, but he was not Chinese. He was Canadian.4. He was a doctor. Martin Luther King1. He was the main leader of the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950s and the 1960s.4. He made a famous speech named I Have a Dream.3. In 1968, he was murdered while he was leading a workers' strike.2. He received the Nobel Prize in 1964.Jay Chow1. He is very famous among teenagers, especially among girls.2. He wrote a lot of pop songs for himself and for other pop singers.3. He is quite good at singing the songs in a low and unclear way that most of us can’t distinguish what he is singing.4. His English name begins with J.Nelson Mandela1. All his life, he fought for the black people and was in prison for many years. 2. It was he who founded ANC (African National Congress) Youth League( 非国大青年联盟 ).3. He helped the black people to get the same rights as the white people.4. He was the first black president of South Africa.Skim the text and answer the questions.1. What is the name of the writer?2. When did he first meet Mandela?3. How old was he when he began school?4. How did he feel when he met and talked to Mandela?5. Could black people vote at that time?6. Who decided the place where they lived?7. Does Elias like violence?1. What is the name of the writer?Elias.2. When did he first meet Mandela?In 1952.3. How old was he when he began school?6 years old.4. How did he feel when he met and talked to Mandela?He was very happy.5. Could black people vote at that time?No.6. Who decided the place where they lived?The white people.7. Does Elias ...

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