
revision 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件VIP专享VIP免费

revision 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件revision 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件revision 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件revision 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件revision 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件 高三英语第一轮复习Unit1-Unit8 flash ppt课件
1 Guess words2 Phrases3 Finish sentences4 Riddles5 Knowledge competitiongoldpyramidheronativehowlarguedesertedENDactorapologyvacationliematchnaughtyfleshENDflagburnsuperstarancientpraydirectortempleENDadultforgivedisastertippresidenthandsomeswallowENDgymnasticathletesimpletorchvasestrikeshareENDTry to find more phrasesstand one’s for except be in communicate live from away see holdget take dream on to offpreparation place with start busy part exercise owe1. stand for 2.except for3. communicate with 4. away from 5. live one’s dream 6. see off7. hold on 8. hold on to9. get away from 10. get in11. get to 12. get off13. get on 14. owe … to… 15. be busy with 16. start with17. in preparation for 18. take in 19. take off20. take away from 21. take on22. take … for… 23. take place24. take one’s place 25. take exercise26. take part in1. From what number can one take half and leave nothing? The number 8. 2. What 5-letter word has six left when you take 2 letters away? Sixty 3. What is the center of gravity? The letter V 4. What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else? A promise Fill in the blanks and finish the sentences according to the text.1. Eco-travel is a way ________________ what _______________ to help animals and plants __________ people.to find outcan be doneas well as2. In China students learn English at school ____ a foreign language, ____________ those in Hong Kong, _______ many people speak English as a first or second language.asexcept forwhere3. _________ the _____________ success in Sydney Olympics, China won another great competition _________________ a medal.Following history-makingwhich was not for4. Pieces of the palaces ___________________ before the Nazis came _____ now___...

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