Xiao Qing and MARY Brown are discussing whether cloning is cruel to the animalsM: Xiao Qing, do you think cloning is ______?X:_______________________? The scientists are doing a wonderful job and soon they may be able to bring back _____________ or even people`s favourite pets back to life.M: yes, Qing. I know. But doesn`t that seem strange to you? Is it worth it? It took ______________ before Dolly was successfully cloned. Think of all those live cells and eggs that died __________ dolly to be born. I don`t __________ that! cruelwhat do you mean by thatexinct animals276 experimentsapprove ofin order forX: but Mary, be __________. Isn`t it always like that with a new science? This is the way you learn to do things better. It`s just that this one __________ living things.M:______________ – but they make the animals do __________ things. One poor cow was made to ___ _________ a bison. What was the poor creature to think when it saw its baby?X: I don`t quite understand why so many people ___ _____ cloning. I think the scientists need a little _____________, they have done some _________ things and think of the ________. Producing animals that are an _________ of the original may helpreasonabledeals withI suppose sounnaturalgivebirth toareagainstencouragementamazing benefitsexact copymedical science produce ________ or even ______ for serious ______M: yes, I`ve heard all that. I agree with it but I don`t agree with the ________. I don`t think cloing is good for the animals.X: why not?M: well, I thnke it`s a _________. Dolly the sheep was `”middle-aged: when she was born because her DNA came from a __________ “mother”. Cloning your grandmother would mean the new baby started life as an old lady!medicinesorgansillnesses.methodsdead endmiddle-agedX: are you sure? I never thought of that! And it also __________ the species. Clones mean there is less _______ in the species and so illnesses will become more ________ and the animals may _______X: oh dear! And that was just what you and I were trying to ______. I see I shall have to look at this whole cloning question again.weakensvarietycommondie out.avoid