
Unit10 Frightening nature reading 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

Unit10 Frightening nature reading 人教版 课件Unit10 Frightening nature reading 人教版 课件Unit10 Frightening nature reading 人教版 课件Unit10 Frightening nature reading 人教版 课件Unit10 Frightening nature reading 人教版 课件
UNIT 10Frightening natureWELLCOMEDroughtfloodtyphoonhurricaneearthquakevolcanoWord study1.terrify 2.bury 3.ash 4.rise 5.fleeA. to ran away,as from trouble or danger.B powder remains after something is burnt.C.come or go up reach a higher level.D.put something into the ground.E. to fill with terror, make deeply afraid 6. arrival 7. panic 8. urge 9. bath10. Frighten/ frightening F. act of arriving. G. afraid, causing fright H. uncontrolled,quickly spread Fear.I. try to persuade ,strongly RecommendJ. washing of the body. The active v______ on Montserratcaused more than US$323,000 damage to crops and the island’s water system, the government said on Thursday. The island was covered with dirt and a___ , four inches deep.Fruit Trees and crops were damaged, but none of the people was Reported injured, officials said. The volcano on Montserrat come to life in 1995. More than Half the population f___ and never returned .An eruption in 1997 Killed 19 people and b_____ the capital of the island nation.olcanoshesleduried 1.What a ________dog!Even the bravest boy are _______(frighten)2.Look,the sun is_____(rise)from behind the mountain.What beautiful scenery.3.The volcano suddenly became active and people were________ (terrify) by the eruption. 4.The famous wrier was warmly welcomed on his ____(arrive).5.She was______(bath) her baby when Bob called last night. Although there was a feeling of p_____, peopletold the reporter That they would not leave their island. Officials said costs for cleaning up could reach US$188,000.The UN has u_____ other countries to help. Britain has already promised to offer 1 million pounds in aid.anicrged1 What a __________ dog ! Even the bravest boys are __________ (frightened). 2.Look , the sun i...

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