engine 发动机 engineer infect v. infection n. infectious adj. scientific a. 科学的 science scientist n. examine v. 检查 exam --- examination n.conclude v. conclusion n.analyse v. analysis n.dead a. 死的 deadly a. 致命的 death n. die v. dying 垂死的 valuable a. valueless a. value n./v. add v. 增加 addition n. in addition --- besides (that) / apart from / what’s morecertain adj. certainly adv. certainty n. announce v. 宣布 announcement n.instruct v 指示 . instructive a. instruction n. construct v. 建设 constructive a. construction n.contribute v. 贡献 contribution n. creative a. 有创造力的 create v. creation n. co-operative a. 合作的 operative a. operate v. operation n. revolutionary a. 革命的 revolution n. calculate v. 计算 calculator n. calculation n.move v. 运动 movement n.backward 向后地 forward upward downward northward southward eastward westward brightness n. 明亮 bright a. enthusiastic a. 热心的 enthusiasm n.persuasive a. 有说服力的 persuade v. logical a. 合逻辑的 logic n. Warming Up There are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world. Can you name some of them? What kind of role do they play in the field of science ? Do these achievements have anything in common? Match the inventions with their inventors below before you answer all these questions. Alexander Bell electricity Thomas Edison the First telephoneLaite Brothers the electric LampMadame Curie black holes in UniverseFranklin Theory of GravitySteven Hawking the First PlaneElbert Einstein RadiumIsaac Newton the Theory of Relativity Quiz Questions (P1) 1. Archimedes, Ancient Greek (287- 212 BC), a mathematician. He found that if you put an object into water the water pushes the object up. It rises an...