
Unit9 reading 人教版 课件VIP专享VIP免费

Unit9 reading 人教版 课件Unit9 reading 人教版 课件Unit9 reading 人教版 课件Unit9 reading 人教版 课件
Unit 10Unit 10The world around us The world around us Period 3Period 3 Task 2: Revision1.Vocabulary (P140) original ideas an original play an original movie the best original music valuable information valuable advice a valuable necklace a valuable friend原创剧本独到的见解原版电影最佳原创音乐有价值的情报重要的建议贵重的项链难得的朋友 the flat landa flat boxa flat platea flat tire an attractive girlan attractive projectan attractive dishan attractive journeya brief lettera brief visita brief introductiona cold & brief welcome平坦的土地扁平的盒子浅口的盘子漏气的轮胎一个美丽动人的女孩子一个吸引人的项目一道诱人的佳肴一次令人神往的旅行一封短信短暂的访问简要介绍冷淡而简短的欢迎 Task 3: Language study (PTask 3: Language study (P67-6867-68))1.John is doing what he can to 1.John is doing what he can to save the animals _______ .save the animals _______ .2.2.There are many people I want There are many people I want to thank for having helped me to thank for having helped me win this award, but ________win this award, but ________ I want to thank my mother, who I want to thank my mother, who first taught me to recycle when first taught me to recycle when I was very young.I was very young.in dangerin dangerfirst of allfirst of all 3.There’re many different answers to the question why dinosaurs ___ ___ about 65 million years ago. 4.The water in this river has been seriously polluted. Many fishes die every day. We have to ____ _______ to solve this problem. 5.If everyone starts caring about the environment, it will _________________ .diedouttakemeasuresmake a big difference Task 4:GrammarTask 4:GrammarA panda said, “We can’t survive without all the bamboos around us.”A panda said that they couldn’t survive without all the bamboos ...

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