

Warming upWarming upWhat can you see?What can you see? Introduce our school Match the headings with the paragraphs.Paragraph 2 A. Time tableParagraph 3 B. A secondary schoolParagraph 4 C. After-school activitiesParagraph 5 D. SubjectsParagraph 6 E. Exams 1. How old did Sally start to go to Park School? A.5 B.6 C.11 D.122. How long will the Students have for rest? A. 5 minutes. B. 15 minutes. C. 20 minutes. D.25 minutes.3. What subject don’t they have? A. PE B. ADT C. Chinese D. Geography4. Sally doesn’t take exam at the age of___. A. 7 B. 9 C. 14 D. 165. How often do they have a parents’ meeting? A. Once a month. B. Once a year. C. Once a term. D. Once a week.Read the passage carefully and complete the timetable. School startsLessons fromBreakLessons from8:459:0511:0511:20LunchLessons fromSchool endsAfter-school activities12:2013:2015:15sports clubs, language societies, etc. Read the passage in groups and put the statements in the correct column.1. Sally has been at school since she was five and she will be at school until she’s 18.2. All schools in the UK are like Park School. 3. There is a meeting for the whole school at 8:55 am.4. Sally will take six more sets of exams before she finishes school.5. There is a parents’ meeting each term. The passagegives this information.We understandthis information.We don’t know.51, 32, 4Decide if these sentences from the passage show facts (F) or opinions (O).1. Park School is a secondary school, about 20 minutes by bike away from home. ( )F2. This year I have 11 subjects. ( )3. Fortunately, we don’t have exams in every subjects. ( )4. …we’re really lucky to have a swimming pool. ( )FOO 5. During the school year there are usually visi...

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