Sperm Whale 抹香鲸抹香鲸是世界上最大的齿鲸。它们在所有鲸类中潜得最深、最久,因此号称为动物王国中的“潜水冠军”。可能只有喙鲸科的两种瓶鼻鲸在潜水方面能与之比拟。除了过去被视为头号目标的捕鲸时期以外,抹香鲸可能是大型鲸中数量最多的一种。美国作家梅尔维尔的经典名著《白鲸记》,书中那头神勇的大鲸莫比 · 敌克就是一头抹香鲸。 Killer Whale 虎鲸虎鲸是一种大型齿鲸,身长为 8 ~ 10 米,体重 9 吨左右,背呈黑色,腹为灰白色,有一个尖尖的背鳍,背鳍弯曲长达 1 米,嘴巴细长,牙齿锋利,性情凶猛,食肉动物,善于进攻猎物,是企鹅、海豹等动物的天敌。有时它们还袭击其它鲸类,甚至是大白鲨,可称得上是海上霸王。 length 长度 weight 重量height 高度 teeth 牙齿skill 技能 tail 尾巴 ( )1.The sperm whale is longer than the killer whale.( )2.The sperm whale is heavier than the killer whale.( )3.The killer whale is shorter than the sperm whale.( )4.The killer whale has more (更多) teeth than the sperm whale.( )5.The sperm whale can jump out of the water.√√√×× NameSperm whaleKiller whaleLengthWeightTeethTailFoodSkill NameSperm whaleKiller whaleLength15m8mWeight35t3600kgTeeth5040Tail8m6mFoodsquid,lobsters,small sharksfish,birds,seals,even whalesSkillcan dive into deep cold watergood swimmer,can jump out of water 1.A sperm whale is than a killer whale in its length.2.A killer whale is than a sperm whale in its size.3.A sperm whale has 50 teeth. It has more teeth than a killer whale.4.The length of a sperm whale’s tooth is cm . longer smaller 10 20 ( )1.The yellow dog is taller than the black dog.( )2.The black dog is heavier than the yellow dog.( )3.The black dog has more teeth than the yellow dog.( )4.The yellow dog’s tail is shorter than the black dog’s.( )5.The yellow dog can swim and catch the ball well.√×√√× 1.The black dog is than the yellow dog in its length.2.The black dog is than the yellow dog in its weight.3.The yellow dog’s tail is than the black dog’s tail.4.The black dog has more teeth than the yellow dog. 5.The black dog can and the yellow dog can . Sperm Whale 抹香鲸Killer Whale 虎鲸小结: 1 、小组再阅读多一次,互相讨论两种鲸鱼的特征。看你比较喜欢哪一种鲸鱼。2 、了解你的朋友喜欢哪种动物及它的外貌特征,把它记录下来。