H13 钢模具的表面热处理曹光明(潍坊学院 机电工程系,山东 潍坊 261061)摘要:研究了低温化学热处理、高能束流表面处理等对 H13 钢性能及其模具寿命的影响。低温化学热处理主要介绍了离子渗氮、N-C 共渗、N-C-V 共渗、O-S-N 共渗、S-N-C 共渗、多元共渗等,并指出了有利于提高 H13 钢热作模具寿命的较佳工艺参数;高能束流表面处理主要介绍了激光表面处理、高能束表面合金化及离子注入表面改性处理及其最新进展。关键词:H13 钢,化学热处理,高能束流表面处理,热作模具Surface Heat Treatment Applied to H13 Steel DieCao Guang-ming(Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Weifang University, Weifang Shandong 261061, China)Abstract: The effects on the properties of H13 steel and its die lifespan are studied on the aspects of thermo-chemical treatment, high energy density heat treatment. The thermo-chemical treatment includes such process as ion nitriding, nitrocarburizing, nitrocarburizing added with vanadium, oxy-sulpho-nitriding, sulpho-nitrocarburizing, multicomponent cementation. The preferable technics parameters are proposed for above every process which is helpful to improving the lifespan of H13 steel die. High energy density heat treatment includes such process as laser surface heat treatment, surface alloying with high energy density and surface modification with ion implantation, and their recent progresses are also discussed. Key words: H13 steel, thermo-chemical heat treatment , high energy density heat treatment, hot-working dieH13(4Cr5MoSiV1)钢是目前国内外广泛使用的热作模具钢。因其具有良好的热强性、红硬性、较高的韧性和抗热疲劳性能,广泛用于铝合金的热挤压模和压铸模,工作时温度可达 600℃,工作条件恶劣,主要失效形式为磨损(熔损)和热疲劳。这就要求表面具有高硬度、耐蚀、抗粘结等性能。H13 钢常规淬火、回火后的硬度一般为 42~48HRC,耐磨性不足,模具使用寿命短。鉴于模具失效大都由表面开始,从节省能源和资源,充分发挥材料性能潜力并获得特殊性能...