本节课为人教版 go for it 八年级下 Unit3 Could you please clean your room?Section B(2a-3b)的内容。据新课程理念,本节课教学方法与多媒体运用相结合设计如下:在进行新课导入时,采用情景小品表演的方式,这样活泼的方式能一下子抓住学生的注意力,让学生迅速的进入到本节课的话题之中。之后老师提出的两个问题帮助学生在第一次的泛读中快速地抓住了本文的主旨。在之后的精读中,问题的设置帮助学生抓住了文章的细节,并帮助他们在头脑中形成了文章的思维导图。之后,在进一步的精读中,根据上下文,帮助学生学习并掌握新词,新句,培养学生的猜测理解能力。最后的讨论和竞赛活动则帮助学生内化所学知识,最终变为自己的语言,形成自己的观点。教学过程:Step 1: Greeting and lead-in (6mins)Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Students: Good morning , Mrs Su.T: Yesterday was Sunday, so what did you do?S1: I washed my clothes and did my homework.S2: I helped my mom cook….T: You are so good! Now I will invite 3 students to act .(3 位同学上台为同学们表演一个小品:疲惫的妈妈下班回家了,她到家时看到女儿在厨房做饭,儿子在卧室做作业,看到这里,母亲很生气,她斥责女儿回家后应该马上做作业,而不是去做其他的事情,表扬了儿子是一个好学生。)T:If you are a mother, do you think children should do some chores at home? Why or why not? 教师展示表格,并请同学们思考并回答Children should do chores because …Children shouldn’t do chores because …设计理由:通过英语小品表演,迅速抓住同学们的注意力,通过对学生的提问引出本课时的重点话题。Step 2 Reading (25mins)Pre-readingT: OK, good boys and girls, I know you are all great. Here are two mails from two different parents. One parent agrees that students should help their parents do some chores, the other disagrees that students shouldn’t help their parents do some chores. Please read and tell me :① Who agrees that students should help their parents do some chores? ②Who disagrees that students should help their parents do...