本科毕业设计(论文) 膜 SBR 工艺处理混合制药废水 学 院 环境科学与工程学院 专 业 环境工程 年级班别 2009 级( 3 )班 学 号 3109007661 学生姓名 曾浩权 指导教师 谢武明 2013 年 6 月设计总说明制药废水的特点是成分复杂,有机物含量高、毒性大、色度深及含盐量高,可生化性较差,且间歇排放,属难处理的工业废水。制药废水一般难以降解,可长期存在于环境中。本设计针对 300 吨/天制药废水,进水水质为:BOD5:130mg/L,CODCr:400mg/L,pH:6-9,SS:150mg/L。出水水质达到国家工业废水二级排放标准。针对该制药废水的特点,参照国内外经验,运用膜 SBR 工艺,废水经酸化调节池,初沉池,膜 SBR 池后,有效降低废水中的 COD、BOD,使废水出水水质达到国家工业废水二级排放标准。相对于其他工艺,采用膜 SBR 工艺有节能,占地少,造价低,无须处理污泥,运行成本低等优点。本设计处理水量为 300m³/d,为小型工程,工程地点设置在制药厂区内,方便处理,经处理后的出水直接运用于制药厂区绿化用水。经计算,工程总投资为 105 万元左右,每立方处理水成本在0.5 元左右。关键词:混合制药废水, 膜 SBR 工艺, 酸化调节 Design Illuminate Pharmacical wastewater is characterized by its complex componets, high concentrations of organic matter,high toxicity , deep color and high salt contents ,poor biodegradability,and intermittent emissions,which make it industrial wastewater hard to deal with. It is also very difficult to degrade,and can exist in the environment for a long time.Some of the organic pollutants exist in pharmaceutical wastewater are easy to cause water pollution,and have posed a huge threat to humen thealth.With the development of Chinese pharmaceutical industry,pharmaceutical wastewater has gradually become one of the major sources of pollution.And how to handle the pharmaceutical wastewater becomes a difficult problem in environment protection. The design for the pharmaceutical wastewater by using membrane technology, SBR, can effectively reduce the wastewater COD, BOD, th...