Past tense of irregular verb Twenty Questions1234567891011121314151617181920 buybought givegave sendsent makemade taketook gowent havehad eatate runran is/amwas arewere feelfelt fallfell ringrang saysaid telltold dodid getgot wearwore comecame • What’s the name of the Chinese spaceship?• When did it take China’s first person into space?• What is the person’s name? Listen and answer1. What did it take into space first time? 2. When did it take China’s first man into space? Read and complete:• Daming and Simon _______ a Chinese spaceship. It is called Shenzhou. First, It ________ a monkey, a dog and a rabbit into space. In 2003, it took China’s first _____ into _______. Guess the present. A: I bought a present for you. What is it? Guess! B: Did you buy me a book? A : No. B: Did you buy me a map? A: Yes. I bought you a map. Homework:• Teach your parents to make a spaceship model. Blackboard Design:• M6U2:• Roll the paper like this.• Did you buy me a pen?• I bought you a pen. = I bought a pen for you.• buy/give + n +for/ to + pron. = buy/give + pron + n • buy/give + pron. +for/ to + pron. BYE BYE