摘要煤矿安全事故是影响煤炭生产的主要问题。任何事物的发展都离不开科学技术,煤矿生产在征服各种自然灾害的过程中,更需要依靠科学技术。在长期的防治过程中,人们认识到,当事故发生时,立即报警,通知井下工作人员及时撤离和避灾,尤为重要。因此,针对矿下常见的安全事故,我们设计开发了该矿用本安型通讯声光信号器系统。该系统采用单片机微控制器及调制解调技术,采用单片微控制器及调制解调技术,仅需一条五芯信号电缆(不要急停功能只需四芯电缆),即能实现发出声、光信号、单工对讲、自动区分多水平、二级传送、红绿灯转换及信号闭锁等功能。可以对井下环境出现险情进行监控报警,还能对井下设备运转情况进行监控报警,使地面调度人员及时掌握井下情况,及时处理险情,为井下工作人员及时避灾和撤离争取了时间。能有效避免安全事故的发生以及减除事故发生时对煤矿本身和工作人员造成的灾难性影响。对煤矿的发展具有重要意义。关键词: 单片机;调制解调;单工对讲ABSTRACTCoal mine safety accidents are the main problems of coal production.Development of anything can not do without science and technology, coal production in the conquest of the process of natural disasters, but also need to rely on science and technology. In the long-term prevention and treatment process, it is recognized that, when the accident occurs, call the police, informed and timely evacuation of mine personnel and disaster prevention, especially important. Therefore, under the common safety for mine accidents, we designed and developed the mine with the intrinsically safe communication system of sound and light signaling devices. The system uses a single chip microcontroller and modem technology, the use of single-chip micro-controller and modem technology, only a five-pin signal cable (not just a four-core cable emergency stop function), which is issued to achieve the sound optical signal, simplex intercom, auto-division multiple levels, secondary transmission, conversion and signal blocking traffic lights...