浅析《社会保险法(草案)》的审议焦点与立法前景摘 要社会保障制度是社会的“安全网”、“调节器”和“减震器”。中国的社会保险制度已经历了半个多世纪的发展和变迁,但至今没有一部完整的社会保险立法作为依托,来规范实践中的问题。出台社会保险法刻不容缓,这是建设社会主义市场经济与构建和谐社会的需要,是完善我国法律体系的需要,中国的社会保险制度正从政策措施上升到法律高度。本文紧紧围绕《社会保险法(草案) 》两次审核中的重点问题,探讨《社会保险法(草案) 》一审中的养老保险异地转移接续、缴费负担、待遇水平,异地就医、政府投入、征费机构、监管体制等,以及二审中的基本养老保险转移接续,基本养老基金将逐步实现全国统筹,相关经办机构不得随意支配社会保险基金等热点问题,并将两次审议进行比对分析,展望即将出台的框架性的社会保险法。关键词:社会保险法 ,转移接续,全国统筹,基金监管,政府责任 On the "Social Insurance Law (Draft)" The focus of the deliberations and legislative outlookAbstractSocial security system is the social "safety net", "regulator", "shock absorber", Chinese social insurance system has undergone half a century of development and change, but Chinese social security system, never a complete Relying on the legislative as to regulate the practice of the problem; also introduced social insurance law is also building a socialist market economy and the needs of a socialist harmonious society and improve our legal system needs. By analyzing the "Social Insurance Law (Draft)" the first instance issues, including pension off-site transfers continue, the burden level, remote medical care level, government investment, levy bodies, and regulatory structures; second instance of the problem, including the basic pension insurance transfers continue, the basic pension funds will gradually achieve national co-ordination of the relevant management agency not free to dominate the social insurance funds, and will consider and compare the two a...