云南怒江傈僳族自治州少数民族旅游资源开发浅析作者姓名:韩 泉专业名称:旅游管理指导老师:张颖 讲师摘要随着我国旅游业的迅猛发展,少数民族旅游资源以其特有的优势(特色鲜明、民风淳朴、可持续发展能力强、旅游季节性限制少等等),已占有越来越重要的地位。少数民族旅游资源,除了淳朴的少数民族文化以外,也有独具特色的自然景观,在现代社会中对人们普遍具有很大的吸引力。在看到巨大的市场潜力时,我们也看到,在开发少数民族旅游资源的时候,已经出现了许多的问题,如:生态环境的破坏,民族文化的庸俗化、民族文化认同感失落以及价值观的退化和遗失,造成旅游地价值降低等一系列问题。因此,在对少数民族旅游资源的开发中,一定要坚持走可持续发展道路,将经济效益与社会效益相结合,将开发与保护相结合,以推动少数民族地区旅游业健康稳定的发展。本文通过分析云南怒江傈僳族自治州旅游资源的开发为例,来分析我国少数民族旅游资源的开发。关键词 :旅游资源 开发 怒江傈僳族自治州AbstractWith our tourism boom in tourism resources development, ethnic minorities in its particular feature and advantage ( handbag and sustainable development ability, restrictions and tourism seasonality less ) , has an increasingly important position. the tourism resources, except for the simplicity of the ethnic minority culture, also has its unique natural landscape, in modern society is generally very interesting. The sight of huge market potential, we also see, in the development of the tourism resources, has a lot of problems, such as : ecological environment. national culture of the national cultural identity and to debase the lost and the values of degradation and loss caused by sightseeing place value of a problem. Therefore, in the tourism resource development, we must keep to the road of sustainable development, economic and social integration and development and protection of integrating minority regions to promote tourism healthy and stable development. this article by analyzing...