灯座注塑模具设计摘 要塑料注塑模是一种用来生产塑料零件的模具。它被安装在塑料注塑机上,由塑料注塑机将塑料颗粒融化成热熔体,经过合模、高压注塑、高压冷却定型、开模、推出制件等工序,获得所需的塑料制品。 近 10 年来,由于塑料具有的良好特性,使得塑料制品获得愈来愈广泛的应用,塑料模已成为广泛使用的一类模具。据统计,80%以上的工程塑料制品都要采用注射成型方式生产。本设计是对灯座进行的注塑模设计,利用 Pro/E 软件对塑件进行了实体造型,对塑件结构进行了工艺分析。明确了设计思路,确定了注射成型工艺过程并对各个具体部分进行了详细的计算和校核。如此设计出的结构可确保模具工作运用可靠,保证了与其他部件的配合。最后用 autoCAD 绘制了一套模具装配图和零件图。 本课题通过对灯座的注塑模具设计,巩固和深化了所学知识,取得了比较满意的效果,达到了预期的设计意图。关键词:塑料模具,注射成型,模具设计 The Lamp Holder Plastic Injection Mold DesignABSTRACTPlastic injection mold is used to produce plastic parts of a mold. It was installed in the plastic injection molding machine, plastic injection molding machine by the plastic particles melt into a hot body, after mold, high pressure injection molding, high-pressure cooling shape, the mold, parts such as the introduction of processes to obtain the necessary plastics. The past 10 years, as a result of the good characteristics of plastic with which to obtain more and more plastic products widely used, plastic has become a widely used tool for a class. According to statistics, engineering plastics more than 80% of all products produced using injection molding. The design of the lamp holder for the injection mold base design, The use of Pro / E software for the plastic parts for the solid modeling, the structure of the plastic parts of the process analysis. A clear idea of the design to determine the injection molding process and the specific part of a detailed calculation and che...