真空吸尘器耐压测试修订日期修订单号修订内容摘要页次版次修订审核批准2011/03/30/系统文件新制定2A/0///批准:审核:编制:真空吸尘器耐压测试1.0 Purpose / 目的To evaluate the performance of dielectric voltage-withstand of the sample评估样机绝缘材料的绝缘耐压性能.2.0 Definition/概念: None 无. 3.0 Reference Documents/参考文献:U.L.1017 CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.243-01, dated 12-7-2001,CL 5.114.0 Equipment/设备:Withstanding voltage tester(耐压测试仪).5.0 General Instructions/说明:5.1 Tests may be conducted at any ambient temperature within a range of 10-40 (50-100).℃℉ 测试可在 10~40(50~100)℃℉ 之内的环境温度下进行.5.2 Unless otherwise noted, all tests are to be conducted with appliance connected to a 120VAC, 60Hz power source. 除非另外标注, 否则所有样板都将连接在 120V/60Hz 电源下进行测试.5.3 All equipment used must be calibrated on an annual basis. Calibration stickers with last calibration and calibration due date must be affixed to each instrument. 使用的所有设备都必须以一年为周期进行调校.载有最后调校日期和调校周期的调校粘纸必须粘固在每一个仪表上.5.4 Apply a 60-hertz essentially sinusoidal potential between current-carrying parts and dead metal parts. 在带电零部件和不带电零部件之间施加 60Hz 测试电压.5.5 Determine the test voltage(测试电压的判定):a) One thousand volts for a sample employing a motor rated 1/2 horsepower (373 watts output) or less;马达功率标称小于 373 瓦的样机, 测试电压为 1000V.b) One thousand volts plus twice the rated voltage for a sample employing a motor rated more than 1/2 horsepower, or except as noted in (c) a sample applied directly to persons or supported by the body of a person.马达功率标称大于 373 瓦其直接与人体接触或由人体支撑的样机(此条排除以下 c 情况), 测试电压为 1000V 加上二倍的额定电压 240V, 即为 1240Vc) Twenty-five hundred volts for a wet pick-up sample tha...