题目:家电流通业核心能力的转变摘 要家电行业被认为是中国市场化程度最高的产业之一,在行业的演化过程中,行业中的不同角色——制造商、流通企业和消费者不断地调整自己的行为取向,它们之间的相互关系构成了产业环境的重要部分。本文立足于家电行业的流通环节,通过对产业环境的分析,对流通企业所应具备的资源、能力以及发展战略进行了说明和论述。全文分四章:第一章介绍家电行业价值链中的各种角色和它们的相互关系,家电行业三种主要的分销通路模式;第二章沿时间维度分析制造商和流通企业在不同产业背景和资源状况下所采取的博弈对策;第三章集中于流通领域,阐述各种分销体制间的竞争状况;第四章在前述分析的基础上,对新环境下流通企业的职能、资源、能力和发展战略进行了论述。通过分析和论证,本文得出以下结论:1、网络化经营将是未来家电流通企业的主要运作模式;2、对供应链和网络本身的管理能力是家电流通企业赢得竞争优势的关键;3、资金和管理能力将是家电流通企业发展的瓶颈性资源。AbstractThe industry of home appliances is one of industries, which are most developed in the China. Different roles in the industry—manufacturers, distributors and consumers keep regulating their way of behavior, during the course of industrial evolvement. The relationships among them are important components in the industry environment.The thesis, focusing on the circulating sector, discusses the resources, competence and strategies of the firms engaged in distributing should possess, by analyzing the industry environment. The whole thesis has four chapters. The first chapter introduces several roles and relationships in the value chain of home appliances industry, and three main models of distribution in it. The second one analyses the decisions which manufacturers and distributors make under the different industrial background and state of resources. The third part pays attention to circulating scope to explain the competitive status in the distinct distributive systems. The last one describes...