UDC SHTrade Standards of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国行业标准P SH 3063-1999 Specifications for Design of Combustible Gas and Toxic Gas Detection and Alarm Systems in Petrochemical Industry石油化工企业可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计规范Issued on 15 Apr. 1999 Executed since 1 Sept. 19991999-04-15 发布 1999-09-01 实施 ISSUED BY THE STATE PETROLEUM AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRY BUREAUThe Chinese version of standards has precedence to their English translations which are only for internal reference.本英文版为内部资料,仅供参考,以中文版为准。国家石油和化学工业局 发布PREFACEThe Specifications are revised by this corporation based on the original specifications “Specifications for Design of Combustible Gas Detection and Alarm Systems in Petrochemical Industry” SH3063-94 according to the notification of the file (1996) JBZ No.250 issued by SINOPEC.The specifications consist of six chapters and two appendices. The major purpose of this revision is to add the contents on the design of toxic gas detection and alarm.In the revision course, the problem that the original specifications contains no content on the design of toxic gas detection and alarm has been given broadly invested and studied; practical experiences in toxic gas detection and alarm in petrochemical enterprises in the last years have been summarized; suggestions and opinions from relevant design, production, research and development, and detecting instrument aspects have been collected; and some key issues are discussed many times; finally, this final version of the Specifications is confirmed. If any part in the Specifications is found to revise or supplement in its implement, please offer your suggestion or data to this corporation for reference in future further ...