生活中若没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光一样。少为失败找理由多为成功找方法大多数人想要改革这个世界却不晓得即时从小事做起毕业设计(论文)题 目轴流式水轮机结构设计 及导叶应力分析 专 业 热能与动力工程 班 级 动 094 班 学 生 指导教师 教 授 2013 年摘 要 本次设计主要是通过查阅相关设计手册对型号为 ZZ600-LH-300 的水轮机进行结构设计和对导叶进行应力应变分析并且对带裂纹的导叶进行了应力应变分析首先对水轮机总体结构作出设计其次完成了导水机构装配情况的设计及其传动系统设计另外结合电站的具体情况以及我国制造业发展现状还对水轮机部分零部件例如主轴导叶控制环导叶臂等零件作了设计通过使用 CAD 绘图本次设计过程更加便捷设计成果更加精确 本次设计的应力应变分析是通过 ANSYS 平台软件进行的其中包括用 NX.UG 软件建模用 ANSYS ICEM CFD 软件对导叶流场进行网格划分用 CFX 软件进行流场数值计算用 ANSYS 软件进行模态分析和静力分析 关键字:水轮机结构设计数值分析模态分析应力分析 ABSTRACT According to consulting the design book and referring the built up stationthe present paper is to design the structure of Kaplan turbine ZZ600-LH-300 and make analysis of stress and strain firstly make the design of the architectural structurethe guide vanes machanism assembly and the system of the way to drive the guide vanes.Besidesconsidering the situation of the power station and now the development of the manufactory at homewe have designed some of the parts in details such as the principal axisthe guide vanesthe discharged ringthe arms of the guide vanes.Using the CADthe process of design is more convenient and the result is more accurate. This design made analysis of stress and strain on the guide vane of the models through the ANSYS platform software including using NX.UG software modeling meshing the flow field of the guide vane through ANSYS ICEM CFD software CFX software is used to numerical calculation modal analysis and static an...