福建农林大学期末考试试卷参考答案2009—— 2010 学年第 学期课程名称: 分子生物学 考试时间 120 分钟 专业 年级 班 学号 姓名 题号一二三四总得分得分评卷人签字复核人签字得分一、填空题(每空 0.5 分,共 10 分)1、There are five types of DNA repair, include photo-reactivation repair, ______________, ______________,______________ and error-prone repair.(切除修复;重组修复;错配修复)2 、 The holoenzyme of E.coli RNA polymerase is_______________ , the core enzyme is made up of _______________ , while the___________ factor has the ability to recognize specific binding sites.(α2ββ’σ;α2ββ’;σ)3、The eukaryotes have a well-defined cell cycle.The phase are:G1,________,________ and M.(S;G2)4、Only one strand of a DNA duplex will be transcribed. So the RNA is identical in sequence with another strand of the DNA which is called _____________ ,and the template strand is _____________.(有义链;反义链)5、In eukaryotes, mRNA processing includes the following steps: addition of at 5’end, addition of at 3’end, removal of , joining together the ,And these take place in .(M7G 帽子结构;poly(A)尾巴;内含子;外显子;细胞核)6、The structure is a common secondary structural reprensentation of tRNA molecules. The tertiary structure of tRNA molecules is . (三叶草;L)7、In the large 60S subunit of the eukaryote ribosome, there are rRNA, and rRNA, and rRNA. (5S;5.8S;28S) 得分二、名词解释(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)1、Promoter:RNA 聚合酶结合并起始转录的一段 DNA 序列。2、Semi-conservative replication:半保留复制,亲代双链 DNA 以每条链为模板,按碱基配对原则各合成一条互补链,这样一条亲代 DNA 双螺旋,形成两条完全相同的子代DNA 螺旋,子代 DNA 分子中都有一条合成的“新”链和一条来自亲代的旧链。3、Intron:真核生物 DNA 编码序列中间隔的非编码序列,它们也能被转录成 RNA,但在 mRNA 成熟加工中会被切...