摘 要本研究主要包括粉粒制袋-充填-封口包装机的结构改进设计,并设计出试验装置,进行封口工艺参数的试验研究。在整机设计中,通过对包装机总体方案的分析,编制了工作循环图,确定主要装置(供送、下料、成型、牵引、封切、传动)之间的相互配合关系;完成了粉粒制袋-充填-封口包装机的结构改进设计和理论分析及其主要参数的确定;对横封装置进行了改进设计,提出适应包装袋长度可连续变化的翻领成型器,扩大了包装机的使用范围,并进行了理论研究,本文的研究对其它袋装包装机械的设计和开发有着积极的指导意义。利用设计的试验装置,进行包装材料的充填包装试验;并按照国家规定的试验条件,对包装袋的封口进行了拉伸试验、耐静压试验,对试验所得的数据进行了分析,试验结果表明封口强度符合国家标准。并得到许用包装的封口温度范围,扇形机构与平行机构包装封口强度与时间、温度之间的关系和包装材料的最佳封口条件。本研究结果对包装材料的生产厂家 、包装机械生产厂家、包装机械用户以及科研人员具有十分重要的意义。关键词: 包装机;横封装置;机械传动 ABSTRACTThis study included the modified structure design of the forming filling sealing packaging machine, the finite element analysis and solid modeler. Besides, designed tester and tested sealing quality.In the entire machine design, established working cycle and conformed work in relations of main fixtures(feeding ,forming, retractor, sealing, driving)through analysis of packaging machine overall plan; completed the modified structure design of the forming filling sealing packaging machine and conformed the main parameters. In this paper, designed the horizontal sealing fixtures and advanced new forming fixture which can adjust the packaging length and extended the useable range of the packaging machine and studied. At the same time, offered a method of parallel measure feeding and founded vibration feeding fixtures of oscillatory differential equation. This study can direct the design and exploitation of other bag packaging machine actively.Usin...