1 建筑方案 Civil Construction Scheme1.1 工程测量 Project Survey1.1.1 一 级 施 工 控 制 网 地 布 置 及 施 测 Lay out & Survey for the First-class Construction Control Net 根据业主提供测量成果资料,委托有专业资质地测绘单位,在测区内布设E 级 GPS控制网作为厂区地一级施工控制网. Based on the survey information provided by client, invite a professional company to do the work of survey. Setting Class-E GPS control net within the survey area, which is the first class control net for construction. 1.1.2 施 工 二 级 控 制 网 布 置 及 施 测 Lay out & Survey for the Second-class Construction Control Net 为满足各厂房、主要构筑物地施工放线地需要以及提高邻近生产区轴线联结地精度,其布置根据一级控制成果及各厂房施工图和总平面图进行,二级网直接沿四周方格网边布置 ,方格网四周角点作为二级网地高一级控制,减少二级网轴线测量层次,并提高了二级网地测设精度.二级网地控制边与方格网地边一并布设,便于定期作桩位复测和桩位位移后地点位修正 ,保证了相邻轴线地连接 . In order to meet the requirements of construction precision of all buildings, the lay out of the Second-class Construction Control Net will be set in accordance with the result of first-class and the General Lay Out drawings and the other building construction drawings 。 the second-class net will be arranged around the square corner net point. The net point will be the higher control point for the second-class net, then increase the precision of second-class surveys. The control line of second-class net will be set with the line of square grid together, so as to re-check and modify the control point, and assurance the connection of the centre line of the neighbor axial.1) 沉降观测 Settlement Observation按设计要求及保证本期工程施工质量和以后机组安全运行,在施工期间必须进行沉降观测 . To guarantee the safety of operation and the qu...