八年级英语上册导学案课题 Module1 Unit 1 Let ’s try to speak English as mush as possible. 课型 Listening and speaking 【学习目标】 1、熟练掌握提建议的句型结构,能够听懂并从中获取有效信息。2、通过一系列听说练习和对征求或提出建议的表达方式的学习,学会理解西方人如何提建议,掌握与他人交流时语言的得体性。【学习重点】 1、本单元单词和短语pair , correct , spelling,word,practise ⋯⋯ 2、提建议的句型1) You/He/She should/shouldn ’t do ⋯ 2) Let ’s do⋯3) Why not do⋯ ? =Why don ’ t you do ⋯4)Don’ t forget to do⋯ = Remember to do⋯5) It’ s a good idea to do ⋯ 6) How about doing ⋯ ? = What about doing?7) You don ’ t need to do 8) Try (not) to do ⋯【学习难点】 1 、提建议的句型。2、四种时态的运用。【学习方法】小组合作、交流讨论【Learning process】ⅠPreview 1 I'm brilliant, and I can write the words according to phonetic symbols 。(Believing in yourself, you can do it.)1/p ε ?/ 2/k?`rekt/ 3/`speli?/ 4/w?:d/ 5/pr?ktis/ 6/mi?n??/7/k?m`pli:t/ 8/`sent?ns/ _______9/`dik ??n?ri/________ ________ 10/`ɡ r?m?/_____ ___ _ 11/`let?/_______ ________ 12 /?nd?`st?nd/ ______ _______13/?d`vais/_____ _____ 14 /?ud/______ _________ 15/p?s?bl/_________ ________ 16/n?utbuk/_____ ____ 17/f ?'get/________ ________18/pr ?u`nauns/ ______ _______ 19 /pr ?u,n?nsi`ei??n/ _________ _________ 20 /?`laud/ _______ _________ 21/`reidi ?u/ __________ ________________ 22 /ki?/ __________ ____________23 /`eks?l?nt/ _________ ________________ 24 /?'ɡ ri:/ _________ ________ 2 Preview the text and find the following phrases from the text. (It's difficult, so remember to communicate!)1. 谈论 ______________ 2. 尽可能多 _______________ 3. 写下我们的错误_______________ 4, 旁边 __________________________ 5, 还有什么 _______________________ 6, 拼写以及发⋯音__________________ 7, 非常感谢 __________...